
Our permaculture project

Permaculture is revolution, disguised as gardening

Permaculture At Rayo


farming and gardening

We are in the process of building a diverse and productive ecosystem with fruits, vegetables and herbs that are appropriate for our arid Mediterranean climate. We use sustainable agriculture techniques to keep our soil healthy, and ensure we limit our ecological impact. We currently produce a number of trees and crops common to the region, including olives, almonds, figs and apricots. We recently completed a small annual vegetable garden and are looking to expand and develop it into greater diversity, as well as to integrate other crops into our agro forestry eco-system. It is our dream to create a big food forest.

sustainable living

Rayo del Sol is working to move completely off the grid. We are connected to the water system (spring water), but do not use this water for our garden. We collect our own irrigation water from roofs and a sophisticated catchment system, and power our property with 8 large solar panels. We use an Eco-Toilet (composting toilet) to process our waste and have 2 beautiful open-air eco showers with privacy walls, where we only use natural soaps. We filter laundry water (natural soap) and utilize it to water the flowers, and even manage to keep our beautiful and refreshing swimming pool clean as natural as possible.

We have an internet connection and wifi. 

Our eco-showers

Our eco-showers



We practice conservation in everything we do. We conserve water and reuse it where it's appropriate. We design and move our land to maintain our groundwater and protect it against soil erosion. We use every food scrap we can and everything else is fed back into the ground. Our compost system helps to maintain a healthy soil which helps with water conservation. We plant native plants to help create a more natural ecosystem, healthy for local birds and critters. Our project creates very little waste. 

Future Projects

finished Projects

Planting more food

Building solar oven

Chicken coop and nesting house for future chickens

Building a hot tub

A complete permaculture water system

Solar water heater for the villa

More mosaic tile art and paintings

...and whatever crosses your imagination! 

Eco (composting) toilet

Eco showers

Solar water heater

Solar power system

Rainwater catchment

3-Bin compost system

Berms and swales for soil erosion

Tree house with slide to the swimming pool

A clay wood fired pizza oven


We believe in giving people opportunities to learn and grow, as well as to utilize past experience and present creativity to reach their goals OR MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 

If you have an idea for a project, or think you might want to help us with any of the above projects, please Contact Us!